elixir in my cup

When I wake to grey skies and don’t quite feel the bounce of spring, a home made cup of chai is the elixir to clear my grogginess and inspire a more focused engagement with the unfolding day.

While there are many variations on making chai this is my standard classic method:

Simmer a few cloves, peppercorns, a big thumb or grated ginger, some star anise (optional) and 4 -5 cardamom pods
for about 10 min. in 3 cups of water.

Add Assam tea or any robust black tea, steep for 3 min.

Add warm milk or soya milk & a spoonful of honey or sugar to taste.

The other option I like is to make it with Rooibos or Honey bush tea for a caffeine free brew (or you can mix ½ & ½ )

The combination of spices, milk and tea each have an effect of balancing each other.

The rajasic caffeine and tannins of black tea are balanced by the milk.

The kaphic / heavy, mucus inducing quality of milk is balanced by the heat of pepper and ginger.

Cardamom is a special uplifting ingredient.

Some Ayurvedic doctors recommend adding ground cardamom to your cup after the chai has simmered so that it maintains its healing properties.

On “Being”

During my recent move, while creating a space in my new apartment, scrubbing and digging into all corners and cupboards, a piece of paper literally fell onto my head.  It felt like the perfect gift of words to describe moments of transition and the spirit of our Being which is alive and present beyond all transition…

If you can be

absolutely comfortable

with not knowing who you are,

then what’s left is who you are –

the Being behind the human,

a field of pure potentiality

rather than something

that is already defined.

Give up defining yourself –

to yourself and others.

You won’t die.

You will come to life.